Immigration Dept achieves job rotation rate of 97%

PUTRAJAYA: The Immigration Department has achieved a job rotation rate of 97.94 per cent, with 3,178 officers having either transferred or undergone job workplace rotation nationwide as of Dec 31, 2024, said its director-general Datuk Zakaria Shaaban.

He said the department will continue to implement transfers or job rotation of officers who have served in a department for five years, in line with the instructions of Chief Secretary to the Government (KSN) Tan Sri Shamsul Azri Abu Bakar in his message on Jan 20.

Zakaria said the implementation was in accordance with the Service Circular No. 3/2024 – Guidelines for the Transfer of Civil Servants and the Immigration Department Circular No. 1/2021 – Guidelines for the Placement and Transfer of Immigration Officers and Staff.

“Job rotation is indeed one of the department’s main focuses that is implemented continuously. The department is optimistic that the implementation of these measures can overcome the issues of power abuse and integrity, in addition to providing opportunities for officers to carry out new duties and responsibilities, thus enhancing their skills and knowledge,” he said in a statement today.

Zakaria also said that the department takes any breaches of integrity by its officers seriously and does not compromise on such matters.

”From 2022 to 2024, a total of 241 officers were subjected to disciplinary action and 46 were dismissed,” he said.

Shamsul Azri had previously instructed the Public Services Department (JPA) to review and implement job rotation soon for civil servants who have served at service counters for more than five years, adding that serving at a counter for over five years is considered a long period and not ideal for any civil servant.

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