Dismissing Gaza Rebuilding Shows Moral Ignorance – PM’s Aide

KUALA LUMPUR: Criticism from certain quarters of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s efforts to support the reconstruction of mosques and schools in Gaza is intellectually weak and reflects a troubling moral ignorance.

Political secretary to the Prime Minister, Muhammad Kamil Abdul Munim said Malaysia cannot and would not be a mere spectator in history, as the country had long stood against all forms of tyranny and oppression.

He said Malaysia would not cease its humanitarian efforts simply because a handful of individuals perceive it as ‘too distant’ to warrant concern.

“Should we only speak out and fight for justice if it happens within our national borders? If that is the logic, then we should not have strongly condemned apartheid in South Africa in the past.

“If that is the argument, then we also should not have sent humanitarian aid to Bosnia during the horrific massacre in Srebrenica,” he said in a statement today.

Muhammad Kamil added that when the world remained silent on the Bosnia tragedy, Malaysia did not merely stand in solidarity from afar but instead sent peacekeeping forces, provided military aid, and contributed significantly to defending the oppressed and persecuted.

“If we were able to act and show great concern back then, why should we now ‘mind our own business’ and ignore the call for justice for the Palestinian people?” he asked.

He also pointed out that the late Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa and anti-apartheid activist, had advocated for the Palestinian cause, emphasising that justice knows no borders, making it unreasonable for Malaysians to oppose the Prime Minister’s noble efforts.

“Since when does showing concern for Palestine mean we are neglecting or sacrificing the welfare and interests of our own people? Is our capacity for compassion limited only to our fellow citizens?” he questioned.

On Thursday, the media reported that former Minister of International Trade and Industry, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, suggested that the government should prioritise addressing domestic issues before committing to the reconstruction of Gaza.

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