Perak MB seeks probe into khatib’s missed JAIPk’s Friday sermon

IPOH: The Perak Islamic Religious Department (JAIPk) has been urged to investigate a khatib in Parit Buntar for allegedly delivering a Friday sermon prepared by the Penang Islamic Religious Affairs Department (JHEAIPP) instead of the one provided by JAIPk.

Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad said that the khatib’s actions indicated something was amiss as he did not deliver the sermon prepared by JAIPk.

“There may be something wrong. I believe JAIPk will investigate. The findings will determine whether this incident actually (occurred) or not.

“Friday sermons are not prepared on an ad hoc basis. They are written one or two months in advance and are based on significant events (in Islamic history),” he said after attending the MADANI Community Empowerment Programme by the Perak Community Development Department (KEMAS) at the Banquet Hall of Perak Darul Ridzuan Building today.

JAIPk, in a statement posted on its official Facebook page, clarified that the sermon titled “Keburukan Fitnah: Pengajaran Dari Peristiwa Al-Ifki” was prepared based on the historical incident of slander against Aisyah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

The department said the sermon delivered yesterday had no connection to any individual and was specifically written to reflect on the Al-Ifki incident, which took place during the month of Syaaban.

Earlier, Perak PAS Ulama Council Committee member Muhammad Rif’aat Razman questioned the selection of the sermon topic, suggesting it appeared to target State PAS Commissioner Razman Zakaria, who is also his father.

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