JBPM Pahang personnel extract 3-metre king cobra in Alphard

A woman and her family recently encountered a scary slithery surprise in their car, prompting a call to the local fire and rescue department (JBPM).

Fortunately they were not in the car when the poisonous reptile was discovered.

A TikTok video by @ienda.azlinda showed two fire department personnel extracting what is believed to be a three-metre long king cobra tucked away between the engine crevices of a black Toyota Alphard.

The entrepreneur said in her video caption that one of her relatives spotted the cobra slithering into the vehicle.

However, the location, according to her reply in the comments section, is said to have taken place in Kuantan, Pahang.

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“One of my relatives were playing near the porch and noticed the (cobra) heading to the car and it immediately slithered under the car. A cat came to take a peek and it eventually ran away.

“Thank goodness the fire and rescue department arrived in time. (The cobra) did not try to flee but just stayed put in the car engine,” Azlinda said, replying to a comment.

Responding to several comments, Azlinda replied that she and her family did not who to call to help deal with their predicament so in the end, her sibling called the fire department.

She also speculated that the cobra could have come from the surrounding jungle area near her mother’s house, where the incident took place.

Another TikTok update showed the fire department personnel working together to put the cobra in a bag.

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