SG man’s bag containing RM2.5k cash stolen in KL mall

A Singaporean man recently claimed his money was stolen while he was in a Kuala Lumpur shopping mall washroom.

The incident which took place on January 30 at around 9pm, the victim identified as Mohd, said his bag containing S$762 (RM2,500) was left on a shelf behind the toilet on the mall’s first floor.

This is Mohd’s first time facing this predicament. As a frequent traveller to Malaysia, he explained that he wanted to warn others about this alleged robbery tactic.

While he was in the washroom, he claimed that the bag was swiped from an adjacent cubicle after he noticed a hand reaching into his cubicle, as reported by the Singaporean news portal Mothership.

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Mohd reported the incident to the shopping mall staff and security footage reportedly revealed the thief carrying the said bag to a nearby LRT station within three minutes. The suspected thief wore a blue face mask before heading to the LRT station.

According to the mall staff, it was alleged that the man was a repeat offender.

“This incident can happen to anyone, and it underscores how vulnerable we can all be in such private moments,“ Mohd was quoted as saying.

The footage also showed the man opening the bag and checking its contents, thus prompting Mohd to assume the man “definitely” noticed the cash inside.

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Mohd and his wife then reported the theft to the police.

“This incident has caused significant mental stress and anxiety for both me and my wife, raising serious concerns about the safety of tourists in Kuala Lumpur,“ he was also quoted as saying.

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