PAC urged MARA Inc to improve property leasing SOPs

KUALA LUMPUR: MARA Incorporated Sdn Bhd (MARA Inc) has been advised to review and improve its standard operating procedures (SOPs) for property leasing to ensure it aligns with current and evolving needs.

Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin, in a statement today, said that while MARA Inc already has Leasing and Collection SOPs in place and enforces compliance, the PAC still emphasises the need for a review and improvements.

Mas Ermieyati stated that this measure is a proposed improvement as part of the follow-up actions by the Ministry of Rural and Regional Development (KKDW) in response to the PAC Report’s recommendations on MARA Inc’s management.

“Additionally, PAC acknowledges MARA Inc’s move to formulate a comprehensive policy on property valuation. However, PAC stresses that the policy must always be adhered to and updated as needed, with approval from MARA Inc’s Board of Directors.

“PAC once again emphasises the need for a thorough review, compliance and improvements to existing guidelines and policies to ensure that the MARA Inc property scandal does not happen again,” she said in a statement here today.

The committee also reminded the ministry, Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), MARA Corp and MARA Inc, to ensure that all ongoing and future projects under them generate high net profits.

PAC also urged MARA Inc to ensure that all debts are paid regularly according to the Debt Settlement Plan.

On the ownership of Premiera Hotel & Resorts Sdn. Bhd. (PHKL), Mas Ermieyati said MARA Inc must ensure that the MARA Inc Group recovery plan and the PHKL recovery strategy are appropriately implemented to reduce the RM84.1 million in accumulated losses in 2023 to a cumulative profit of RM0.8 million.

The public can download the report at to review the follow-up actions taken by KKDW, MARA, MARA Corp and MARA Inc and PAC’s comments.

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