Air Selangor’s quick response wins praise

A FEW days ago, I discovered a leak in the pipe leading to the water meter of my house. Upon closer inspection, I found numerous bite marks on the black pipe, with a small puncture visible. Water was gushing out through the puncture in a fine jet.

I noticed the leak only in the evening, so I used a raffia string to tie tightly around the puncture to reduce the water flow.

The next day, I instructed my handyman to fix the leak, not thinking it was anything major, so I did not bother notifying Air Selangor.

While waiting for the handyman, I heard the sound of a lorry stopping in front of my house.

To my surprise, it was an Air Selangor lorry, fully equipped to repair the damaged pipe.

I explained that I had not informed them about the leak, but they replied that they have staff patrolling daily on motorbikes around the neighbourhood to spot and report any pipe issues.

I would like to commend Air Selangor for their efficiency and the excellent service they provided. It was certainly a pleasant surprise.

Thiagarajan Mathiaparanam


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