Finas, former CEO settle unfair dismissal lawsuit

PETALING JAYA: A lawsuit previously filed by the former chief executive officer (CEO) of the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (Finas) regarding his unlawful termination has been settled.

All defendants, except Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil, agreed to release a press statement clarifying that Mohd Nasir Ibrahim, was not dismissed due to misconduct.

This judgment was recorded before Kuala Lumpur High Court judge Roz Mawar Rozain.

It is said the film board will also include its appreciation for Nasir’s contributions during his service in the statement , as reported by Free Malaysia Today.

Nasir will withdraw his lawsuit in exchange for monetary compensation, amount undisclosed, with no order as to costs, as part of the settlement.

His lawyer, A Srimugan, confirmed this.

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Finas, its chairman Kamil Ahmad Othman, and directors Mastura Ahmad Mustafa, Idwan Ariff Abdul Rahman, and Noor Azam Shairi were represented by counsel Nasbal Harun, while Fahmi was represented by senior federal counsel Zairani Tugiran.

In a writ and statement of claim filed on June 28, 2023, Nasir stated that he had been appointed as the Finas CEO for a two-year term on a contract basis starting November 1, 2021, with a salary of RM20,000 per month and an additional allowance of RM6,800.

However, he discovered his contract had ended prematurely on May 31, 2023, through a letter signed by the Communications Minister on May 5.

In his statement of claim, Nasir argued that his appointment as Finas CEO fell under the Statutory Bodies (Discipline and Surcharge) Act 2000, which required a 30-day notice or payment of a month’s salary for termination.

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